"During my gray space I look to nature for inspiration because of its regenerative powers." - Kimberly Barrett-Luttery

Get Stellar Self Publishing
Services for Your Book

You have finally decided to write a book. You know your topic, and maybe you have created an outline. Good job! These are important steps to get started, but now what? What do you do next? How do you turn your idea into a physical book or e-book that you are ready to release to the world, and most importantly, a book that will sell in this competitive marketplace?
If you are interested in authoring a book, or would simply like to improve your writing skills, we can help. With our extensive experience in writing, editing, proofreading, communications, graphic design, and working with Print on Demand (POD) platforms, our professionals can give you guidance on managing your project from conception to completion through self-publishing.
It may seem like an overwhelming venture to take on, but we are here to take you through the steps that will result in the finished product that you want. Great copy and editing are essential elements when writing engaging content. Grammar, flow, context, and spelling matter, and we will proofread your content and give you pointers on how to engage your readers. We also provide graphic design services. A visually impactful cover design and eye-catching illustrations are essential components that will get your book the attention you want.
Let us turn your dream of becoming a published author into reality. Contact us today to get started.

List of Services
You can choose from our menu of services the type of support that you need for your book project. Not sure of what you need? Contact us with a brief description of your project and we will contact you to help get you started.

Setting up accounts

Project Management
Print On Demand Coaching for Ingram Spark And KDP (Amazon)
Setting up an LLC/Publishing Company
Finding the right Graphic Artist for your project
Troubleshooting your cover and interior files

Writing, Proofreading & Editing
Children’s Picture Book Editing/Proofreading
Children’s Picture Book GhostWriting
Developing a storyboard/graphic description for your text

Who I am
My name is Kimberly Barrett Luttery
My love for fiction began at an early age as I avidly read books and authored my own short stories and poetry. After receiving a B.A. degree in Mass Communications from Illinois State University, I spent much of my career working with non-profit organizations that focus on families and children including United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta, Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta, and The Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta.
Creative writing is my passion. I founded Azure Dusk Publishing, LLC because of a desire to tell inspiring universal stories that appeal to all children, stories that would have a positive impact on how they perceive themselves and connect with others. These colorful interactive picture books target children ages 3 - 8 years old and feature African American children as the main characters. The simplicity of the language in each book is perfect for reading aloud in a classroom, at bedtime, or anytime. Titles include Grandpa Had a Grandpa Too, Grandma Had a Grandma Too, and I am Wonderfully Made.
I also help aspiring authors publish their books by assisting them with the self-publishing process and providing writing, editing, and proofreading services. To learn more about my work, please visit www.kimberlyluttery.com.
Why I Write Children's Books
My desire is to share inspiring stories with early readers that have a positive impact on how they perceive themselves and interact with others, especially African American children and other children of color identified as BIPOC, which is Black Indigenous and People of Color.
The BIPOC reading community is an under-served audience in the children’s book genre. I passionately believe that books with diverse characters should be in the hands of children from all backgrounds to promote character diversity and inclusiveness.
Childhood literacy is very important to me because it sets the foundation for lifelong learning. I have always loved books, and I believe that all children should have an at-home library. It is important that I provide books to under-served children no matter where I go so a portion of my inventory is always set aside to donate.